Guantanamo’nun İçinde (2009) / Inside Guantanamo (2009)

(tr)Guantanamo Körfezindeki ünlü hapishanede neler olduğu hemen herkesin merak ettiği bir konu. Burada olanlar en kötü halini ve doğal olarak en büyük merakı ABD’nin 2002’de başlayan büyük terör savaşı’nda topladı. Bunun üzerine dünyanın en büyük hapishanesinde olan biteni ilk defa National Geographic ekibi gün-gün kayda aldı. Guantanamo hakkında birçok soruya cevap veriyor ama yinede bazı noktalarda NG’nin hafif taraflılığı göze çarpabiliyor.

(en)The naval base at Guantanamo Bay secured a place in the annals of history when the first wave of detainees from America’s War on Terror – men dubbed “the worst of the worst” – arrived in 2002. A symbol of freedom protected or freedom tragically betrayed, the controversies of Guantanamo embody the thorny issues of America’s fight against an enemy that wears no uniform, has no address and will declare no armistice, and an administration’s battle to keep prisoners beyond the reach of due process in American courts. The goings-on inside the wire encircling this highly classified camp have been a closely held government secret — until now. For the first time, National Geographic exclusively captures day-to-day life in the most famous prison in the world, exploring the ongoing daily struggle between the guard force of dedicated young military personnel and the equally dedicated more than 200 detainees, many of whom are still in legal limbo after being held have been held without charge for years.

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