duvar karşıtı anarşistler – tel aviv blokajı / anarchists against the wall (AAtW) – blocking tel aviv

duvar karşıtı anarşistler israil’de, mas’ ha ‘da nisan 2003’de kurulmuş bir doğrudan eylem grubu. kurumsal bir yapısı yok ancak yaklaşık yüz eylemciye sahip olduğu söyleniyor.

aşağıdaki video şubat 2007 ‘de tel aviv’in işlek, bizdeki taksim ya da bağdat caddesi gibi bir caddesinin blokajının eylem görüntüleri.

kısa süreliğine bile olsa duvarın “öte yanına” kısıtlanmanın, hareket özgürlüğünün yitirilmesinin anlamını sorgulamayı hedefliyor.

Anarchists Against the Wall (AAtW), sometimes called “Anarchists Against Fences” or “Jews Against Ghettos”, is a direct action group comprised of Israeli anarchists and anti-authoritarians who oppose the construction of the Israeli Gaza Strip barrier and Israeli West Bank barrier. Although AAtW has no official membership, it claims to have around 100 active participants who coordinate with Palestinians and groups like the International Solidarity Movement to organize nonviolent marches, civil disobedience, and direct action.

A member of Anarchists Against the Wall has described the construction of the barrier as part of a strategy of ethnic cleansing, “one of the greatest threats the Palestinian population has known over the last century… which is to make life so appalling for the Palestinian people that they will be left with one choice: move out.”

the video is one of their action videos, captured in february 2007. they’ re blocking one of the most important streets of tel aviv.and showing the people at “the other side” of the wall how bad it is to be blockated, taken the right of transportation and being seperated.

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sitelerini ziyaret edin, destek olun!!! / visit their web page, support them!!!


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